Features for CS-Cart Multi Vendor 4.3.x+:
- Vendor rating, contact information, shipping address and tabs(Description, Reviews and etc.) are all separated blocks. They can be placed(or removed) anywhere on the vendor page(the page with vendor products, categories and filters).
- Resize vendor logo based on the addon setup so it will not be a problem if the vendor has uploaded a very large or too small logo.
- Vendor logo with link to vendor homepage block is added
- Vendor description block is added
- Vendor reviews block is added
- Vendor info block on product page is added (Demo link)
- Logo inside vendor info block on product page can be resized or removed
- Compatible with our Vendor Product Page Pro addon
Features for CS-Cart Multi Vendor 2.x – 3.x – 4.1.x-4.2.x:
- This addon will show products on vendor page
- Customer can sort products with pagination on vendor page
- Customer can choose the display layout of products
- Add review numbers under vendor image
- Allow to limit/resize vendor logo based on width and height defined in the addon setup. No more worries about large vendor logo images!
- Better vendor information format
- Show vendor name as link on product detail page
- Add “Back to previous page” link on product detail page so customer can go back to vendor page easily
- Option to show vendor logo on product page
- Vendor logo size on product page is configurable